مدرسة بكالوريا الرواد

A K-12 non-profit private school under the Future Pioneers Society

Our Diploma
Our students receive an American High School Diploma, leaving them eligible to attend international universities throughout the English-speaking world and beyond. However, for our students who want to study locally, they require a Tawjihi equivalence. This is earned by taking and passing the SAT I and six subject SAT II exams (ending this year), or, for upcoming high school students, a combination of AP and CLEP exams. These exams stretch from 10th-12th grade and are required for all students.
For a timeline of our course requirements, please check here >

English Literacy
Led by native English speakers from around the globe, our English department provides more English contact hours than any other school in Nablus. From grade one onwards, our students focus on speaking fluency and literacy, slowly gaining mastery. By high school, they tackle texts such as Lord of the Flies, Frankenstein, and Pride and Prejudice.

Arabic Fluency
Our Arabic program is necessarily flexible to accommodate all levels of students. With the ultimate goal of fluency in written and spoken formal Arabic, our Arabic department meets each student’s individual needs through pull out tutoring and other supports. Every student improves based on their own starting place.

Grounded in the New York State Engage curriculum and culminating in Calculus, our math department upholds that every student can succeed in mathematics. Emphasizing critical thinking over rote, our students are trained to be creative problem solvers. With additional supports such as tutoring at every level, we ensure every student can succeed on SAT I, SAT II, and beyond.

Our science department believes strongly in questions and experiments. What better way to learn about the circulatory system than to look at a sheep heart? How else can you understand archeology until you dig for your own fossils in a cake? Our inquiry-based curriculum encompasses all areas of science, preparing students to take the SAT II in biology, chemistry, and physics.

Islamic Studies
Taught in Arabic, our religion classes focus on Islam and Christianity, both in a historical and modern context. Students study the Qu'ran hand in hand with contemporary texts to achieve a nuanced understanding of the religious traditions of Palestine.

Physical Education
An active mind needs an active body. Our PE program ensures every student gets time outside to play and exercise. Running the gamut from relay races to basketball, PBS students have plenty of opportunities to work up a sweat.