مدرسة بكالوريا الرواد

A K-12 non-profit private school under the Future Pioneers Society

How to Apply
If you think Pioneers might be a good fit for your child, we welcome your application! The Pioneers admissions process is competitive and based on the qualifications of each applicant. Please see the steps below to begin the process.
Grade 1: Admissions for Grade 1 gives priority to students enrolled in the Pioneers Montessori Kindergarten program, then opens to new applicants from outside the school.
Grades 2-12: Admissions for Grades 2-12 considers previous report cards as well as entrance interviews/exams.
For more information, please contact admissions@pioneers.edu.ps.
Fill out our Application Form to begin the registration process for the 2024-2025 school year and to fill in your child's information. Please note that applying through this form does not mean that your student is accepted into the school. After applying, we will contact you regarding the completion of your application.
الرجاء تعبئة نموذج التسجيل للبدء بتسجيل أبنائكم للعام الدراسي 2024-2025 وإدخال معلومات الطالب/ة في المدرسة لهذا العام، سيتم التواصل معكم بعد قيامكم بتقديم الطلب لإكمال الخطوات المتعلقة بالتسجيل. علماً بأن التسجيل على النموذج لا يعني بأي شكل من الاشكال إدراج أبنائكم في المدرسة.
Fill out our registration form!
We will contact you for an entrance exam and interview.
After review of all documents, we will contact you with an admissions decision.